Thursday, January 27, 2011


"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." -  Aristotle
Today is a joyous occassion..because its an anniversary! Not a wedding, or a birthday...much more important (to me anyways), because today is a celebration of freinship :D
But first, allow me to explain why its so special..
Do you in know movies, when 2 people meet in some weird and magical way that makes you go "pfft...that never happens -_-"...well....this was not the exaggerated....(built it up, didnt I!)
but it was special.
What happened was this:
During my orientation (which i was planning to skip) all the international students were asked to stand on one side and the locals on the other. The internationals were then asked to fold a paper airplane with our name written on the side, fly it across the room, and it would hopefully land in the hands of a local who then be our "friend" to compete in a series of  challenges.
The plan was simple enough, but the OCs (orientation coordinators...i think) didnt account for 2 simple details.

1. the number of internationals and  locals were not perfectly equal..meaning some people would be left without a partner
2. Alot of people did NOT know how to make a paper they ended up writing names on a paper snowball and hurling across the room.

I, of course, made what you could call the "G5" of paper planes which soared across the room like a dart!...ok, im lying , mine shot a good 10 feet then feel like a rock....(going to stick with the lie...makes a better story :D)
So, all we had to do now was wait for someone to pick it up and we'll be partners.
who picked it up you want to ask?
(I've been watching How I met your lets build up a little more suspense before the reveal)
Suffice to say, a girl picked up my plane...and thats when we first maintain ambiguity, I'm calling her Tsuki. (for those of you who know her, the secrets spoils here)
My first impression of tsuki was that she was really religious, shy and the type that doesn't prefer to have fun.
I asked her later (when we became good friends) what she thought of me and she said she thought i was a bit boring, nerdy and shy. (didn't have much to say so i kept on talking about university)
We had to do something about a's been quite a long time, I don't really remember the challenge...but I could tell, neither of us seemed pleased about it...I couldnt create make a blog to save my life ( I know the process is rather simple now, but before I used to get all confused with the interface....dont judge me -_-")
So we exchanged numbers and really that was the end of it....occasionally we would text each other to meet or something, but things came up and we werent that serious.
Now you must be thinking...THIS is the magical and precious friendship that I cherish...there isnt much friendship here is there?
Well, this is how i met we became friends was on her birthday.
It was the last day of the challenge thingy (dont have a better name for it), and we had to present something in melaca ( We study at cyberjaya, which is roughly 4 hours...or less..from melaca)
So it was a road trip! :P
As we boarded the bus, I saw tsuki...(at this point we werent partners anymore because we all had to break into groups of 5 and present group did nothing, so i helped imran with his...this is how sephia was formed....but more on that later..)
At most, my conversations with tsuki were Hi and Im fine, so seeing her there was a bit surprising ( as I said, I thought she was studious and she wouldnt want to go for the trip)...I felt a little guilty for judging without knowing so i decided to be lively for the trip ( a rare sight o.o)
The bus trip was immensely fun, we sang, played music and got to visit some historical sites in melaca.
We stopped at a complex on the way there to refresh ourselves, so I got off with tsuki and her friends...we walked around the place and chatted a storm. It was at this point I realised it was her birthday...and luckily we were already at the store! In the end we (a friend and I) ended up buying her a phone was a two for one sale :3
Our conversations went through the day, we talked about almost everything...and thats when I realised..she's awesome :D
Tsuki invited me to her little birthday party (it was like only 5 people) where we ate cake and sang ( My life is a musical...I know), having already given her a gift....I decided to give her another one...a dance ( I was drunk on cake...cant be blamed here)
So i did the bachikoi bachikoi dance in the naruto opening...renaming it the tsuki dance. Moody danced with me...(who's moody? read my older post)
I made a complete fool of myself, but didn't feel a hint of was then, I knew...I found my friends)
Friendship means " I got your back"
One year later from the momentus airplane day...I can honestly say, Moon is makes my top 3 list of the most awesomest people in the WORLD! and i wish we can have many more years of friendship....(yes! the secrets out....tsuki is MOON :O!...though tsuki actually translates into moon...tsuki = moon in japanese :3)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snowed Magic

Another weird title? you should be getting uesd to them by now! well, to be clear, the event that happened werent actually on this fact it was about a month ago, on christmas! but  it really wanted to upload a video on snow! :D
For those of you who dont know, Im currently in Malaysia, a country with a tropical snow is a no-no here. But a video of snow you ask? ( i was still in the country)
we'll get to that that later.
It was christmas, and we decided on it being the perfect time to watch harry potter 7. (im a potter fan :P) The movie was released a little time before, so it took great restraint on my part to watch with my friends...(who didnt seem as interested in it as I did)
One thing I realized. going to a complex on christmas is a BAD idea. crowded barely covers what that place was. You couldnt turn around without banging into someone. I could hardly breathe! and I hate crowds...i usually tend to avoid places with more than 10 people, so it was particularly uncomfortable for me...but my friends were there so yay. Not to mention all the domo-kun merchandise! I got addicted to domo after Moon showed me a her domo was love at first sight! haha
I felt like a child in the chocolate factory the moment we stepped in the domo store!
The movie Btw, was awesome....but sadly, it was relatively different from the book. Hardcore HP fans may be a little disappointed because ALOT of subplots were just passed over.  As we left the complex, we were sprayed with snow! :D....actually it was a soap like chemical that slightly stung when it fell in my eyes...and I think i developed a rash because of it! but either way, the whole thing was magical (see what a did there :3)

Beta Blogger!

Lol. Firstly, I have to high 5 myself on making an punned post title. (It's a little sad, but im alone here, so it
ll have to do). I want to say " as usual, my post title is a slightly confused statement of 2 different events" but i've only written like 3 posts so I dont think I have the right yet.
Onto the rants then!
We just finished my alpha year a.k.a foundation! and I couldn't be more psyched about it! :D and to add cherries to my ice cream of happiness. we get a 6 week off!...I know, 6 weeks isnt that much, but in my uni, 3 weeks is a norm, 6 a god send! In truth, I find it soo long, I don't even know what to do with the time....but whatever it is I'll keep you posted.
I decided to be a more "active" with my blogging since i'll have plenty of free time...even though I dont THAT many people will read it -_-. w'ever.
so now you understand the title! im going to be a beta blogger! since after foundation, we go to beta which is a play on the word better too.....I KNOW! im ruining it by explaining, but I really want you to get the pun -_-
 Eqa pulling hwe tongue at the camera! happy its over! :D

Pose for the camera

techinacally not in my class -_- but YAY

boke smiling at no one

sahabat! haha

moon isnt looking at the camera -_-

They still have exams! ahahaha

gonna rock my tests!


I asked him to smile -_-

Eqa wondering what boke is doing

As you can see...I have No idea on how to lay out the blog. But im still a newb blogger! so not my fault! Trying to figue out how to arrange the pictures...and wth is monetize? :O
anyways, making another "beta" (still playing that pun) on tomorrow...for now, my online gaming addiction is calling me! WOW FTW!!!!!!