Thursday, December 29, 2011


Just updated my other blog! finally got around to posting my comic! i'll post another later today, and probably will write a short story, just because I'm in the mood!
Plus, i've been watching the IT crowd! a must see for anyone who's  into british comedy! I find the whole thing brilliant. I remember watching it younger, and I always felt flushed at their mildly inappropriate humour! (I was 16 at the time), but it just makes me relieve the better parts of my childhood! I was fixated with BBC so that was my "goto" channel! I think I finally found the root for my slightly britsh actually just a bad habit I've fallen into, but seeing as I hardly had anyone to carry a conversation with younger my talking was mostly a monologue (think: forever alone)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Comic Fiesta 2011

Went to CF 2011 yesterday! I have to thank Irene for everything because I was so clueless over there! and it took me like 3 hours to wear the costume! :O (wearing the contacts was 30 minutes)
but the line was horrible! there were soo many people! I was so embarrassed I wanted to die on spot! meh, but at least I did it :3
It was fun for the first 3 hours or so, but then all the walking around got annoying -.-" but for the first time, so many people wanted to get a picture with me! XD and some even recognized who I was (fenris from dragon age)
I wish I could've gone with my gang on Sunday, but I am soo tired and have assignments for tomorrow (which I haven't even started :'( ) damn was sick! XD so I didn't actually procrastinate!
Sorry, i can't upload any photos because I didn't take any,but I'll try to scour through Fb and see if any have been uploaded of me! :3
assignment time so mata raishu!
and Yes I realize I was wearing converse, but boots were too uncomfortable and there was a ton of walking. -.-"