Saturday, October 6, 2012

Borderline sanity

Okay! I'm a weirdo! I admit some of my habits tend to be slightly...manic...and there has been the occasion where I myself seemed to doubt my own sanity. But doesn't that prove I'm sane? I mean, I judged myself from a third perspective and found that though I do exhibit some characteristics of being unhinged, overall I am, in fact a well balanced individual...okay, well balanced is a bit of a stretch, but balanced enough!
Regardless, I am a fully functional member of a society...which society, i'm not quite sure yet.
But sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with me. I mean, I don't feel wrong; it's just the looks I get from others that speak volumes of my I'm not doing what I'm supposed to...but in defense, everything I do makes perfect sense to's them who have it all confused.
Biggest issue I guess is why I don't have a girlfriend, but I don't see why I would need one! I'm not looking for marriage or children or emotional support...and I'm way to moral to be promiscuous!...moral enough more like it...but still every time I rationalize my thinking with others they give me a look that has pity and confusion! I don't like it! and I shouldn't have to explain myself to them!
and then there's the whole going out thing! I mean, once a week should be enough shouldn't? But they seem to find a need to spend every waking moment together! why?! I haven't the slightest idea! The weekly think is in fact a little more than I can handle, I'd prefer once a month! There are a special few who I don't mind spending time with, but even they know that I have my limits and work well to adjust to it!
It's fun and all, don't get me wrong. I enjoy the moments, but if we spend every second together then the moments would lose their significance, distance makes the heart grow stronger right?
I don't know, I think I'm just babbling...

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