Saturday, July 9, 2011


Have you ever watched a movie and as the guy finally gets the girl, you tell yourself " I want that"...I want the drama, the hearct ache, the love, the jealousy, the resolution and the happy ever after....but life isn't like that.
There is no perfection in life like in movies, so everytime you see love, you get depressed...because reality sucks in comparison. Our idea of love has been so bent on fantasy that we fail to see the good the life has to offer. Instead we try to mold ourselves into a more perfect form...and by perfect, I mean more like the actors we see in movies. At times we get lonely because we don't have a girlfriend, but do we honestly need one?!  In movies, the moment the male protaganist hits puberty, he automatically HAS to have a girlfriend or else it will fail as a film! Where's the logic in that?
How many people can honestly say that they were in a relationship the second they turned 14...and why would you want to be in a relationship at 14 years old?
Isn't the goal of a relationship to get married and start a family? Why would you want to start a family at 14? or even 20 for that matter?! There is no point in it...but because we are so heavily drugged with the media we feel that at 20, no love means you're lonely so therefore no life. -.-
just my opinion anyway...random ramblings of a misfit

1 comment:

  1. Not necessarily....I found the man I hope to marry in a few years on a sad Halloween night....but it wasn't love at first type, or the like....

    We grew close first as friends. We then jokingly entered a tentative relationship to bug someone, but then things grew painfully troubled with my family, in part because of our relationship, and he chose to stand by me, and be the best friend I could know.

    Now, he has my heart, I have his, and as soon as we're ready to, we're tying the knot, hopefully.

    And ours wasn't a happily ever after fairytale. It's painful, and hard, and although we don't fight a lot, which is a plus, we have to go through a lot. And though it's not easy, I suppose that's what makes it that much better.

    It's never where you expect it. But it happens.
