Sunday, June 17, 2012

Work! Work! Work!

There is so much work going around right now I feel like I don't know where one starts and one ends! but at the same time this is the kind of energy I live off! It makes me feel alive! I'm not a workaholic btw, I'm actually quite the lazy bum, it's just all this stress gives me the sense that I am growing as a person. I have a very strict belief in the "no pain, no gain" motto. If i'm not suffering, I'm not growing....that's a slightly masochistic perspective of life now that I type it out, but I'm not into self harm. I can't ride a bicycle because I'm afraid of falling! and the sight of a needle makes me squirm...which is ironic considering the unusually high number of injections I've received since. Right now I'm working on a render for a very good friend and a sprite sheet for a total stranger. Well the very good friend is Boke who is going on a break in the middle of a semester (Does that make sense?) but I'll be damned if I stop someone from seeing their family, so I'm trying to make sure that his visit to them isn't marred by assignment worries! I also have animatics, a storyboard and reference sheets to do, so it's not like I have the free time to help every wayward soul. Still I'd like to think that one day karma will do me a service for all this good vibes that I'm putting out...and I just got good fortune so I don't really want to mess it up by being a jackass! (yes, I'm that superstitious)
As an unusual tradition, I leave you with a random recording which has nothing to do with this post and recorded on crappy instruments!

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