Saturday, March 2, 2013

I can't write.

I love writing.
God I love writing. I can spend hours just thinking out plots and stories; Making lives out of nothing but imagination. But here's the thing, I've lived a fairly sheltered and closed life.
I mean at 22, I've never been to party, never broke curfew, been single...I haven't even littered for God's sake.
And while I am a very strict advocate for rules and social life really isn't something anyone would want to read about. It would be like reading a rulebook if anything.
I don't lie where it counts, even if the truth would seriously hinder me.
I can't spin a good story because I have none! All of mine end up extremely predictable.
The craziest thing I've done was dye my hair and go for a cosplay thing.
That's like...the most insane thing I've ever done. Where's the story in there?!
I can't write a love story because I've been single for all my life! I can't do horror or thriller because the most fear I've ever faced or seen was when I had a bad reaction to allergy medication! I can't do drama because there is no drama when you follow every social convention!
I mean, my biggest regret is that I haven't done anything worth regretting!
Whenever I write a story, I reach a point where I ask myself why? Why is he doing this? Why doesn't he just follow the rules? and where the answer should be obvious, to me it's the most far fetched thing in the world. I can't make up the words anymore, because the character become less real after then.
Why would you die for love? Kill for vengeance? Steal because of envy?
These things don't make any sense to me...I can't further my story after that.
I just got an epiphany of sorts when I realized that I didn't get my internship. I went into a crazy spiral thinking that it was too late to be an animator and that I wouldn't graduate in time, but then I had to remind myself why I was doing this in the first place!
I needed to get the life experience to make a novel! I need to travel the world and see what life has to offer so i can make a finally tell my story.
I think that is what I want most in my tell my story.

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