Friday, October 19, 2012

A train trip alone

Okay, so here's the thing.
I have to settle my fees before Monday (that's when classes start), but the closest bank where I can actually go withdraw from is in KL.
Well I'm not sure if it's the closest, but it's the most familiar and I never try anything new alone...I know, it's this weird thing I have.
There used to be one here in Cyberia; in fact, there used to be 2...but they both closed down which means every month I have to make an arduous journey to KL.
Usually, it's not so bad, seeing as I get to spend the day with my Senpai (sister XD) and that's always something to look forward too...but we just went to the bank like 2 days ago and she has her final year thesis to deal today I venture out alone.
Now you may be thinking "It's just a trip to the bank!" ...well, it's a bus ride and a train trip to the bank! and I have a very big fear of buses..that's why I tend to walk everywhere (plus the exercise is good).
I think I'll also go to the mall today and catch a movie...Sinister is out, so I might give that a go. I don't have anything to do and after the horrid experience I am expecting for today pans out, I'm going to need some comfort, familiar relief...that and I really want to watch Sinister! XD
Children with blood...what could be better?

 The trailer looks awesome! It's almost quarter past 7 so exercise, eat then shower...I'm trying to get back on my exercise schedule...and I'm not doing it to look good! (I like the way I look). I'm doing it for more energy...I tend to just falter and fall into a state of lethargy...which when being bombarded with assignments, may not be the best condition to be in. :l so yeah...If I don't update, then it's most probably because I was eaten ...or killed then skinned alive...oh god, why a bus?!

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